My name is Attila Nagy, I was born in Sopron, Hungary in 1967. I have taken photos since my studies in the elementary school. Nowadays I use digital photography techniques.
For 15 years I was the secretar of the Photoclub Sopron, which was founded in 1906 and is the oldest photoclub in Hungary.
My photos were exhibited approximately 200 times in 14 countries on international photo competitions. I had exhibitions in Hegykő, Hungary (1996), Eisenstadt, Austria (2010), Ankara (2011), Sopron (Hungary, 2012) Horn, Austria (2013), Cesky Krumlov (Bohemia, 2014), Esztergom (Hungary, 2014), Fertőszéplak, Hungary (2014), Fertőd (Hungary, 2014). I also published a book with two other artists about the historical town of Sopron in 2009.
I like taking pictures of people, my favorite themes are: portrait, nude, model, and life in general.
In 2010 I got the title AFIAP from the International Federation for Fotografian Arts (FIAP). In Hungary and in Austria I also have the title AVÖAV and E-MAFOSZ-B for my photographic works. In 2011 I was affiliated to the Austrian Society for Fotografian Arts (ÖGPH) and received the title „Hon Es ÖGPH”.
I often hold modell- nude workshops, photo tours for photographers from Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Turkey.
Many times I am asked to work in juries of photo competitions in Hungary and abroad, for example: Austria, Turkey, Germany, Bohemia.
Marz 29th, 2015
Dr. Nagy Attila
Ziyaretçi Sayısı:1000674
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