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    Sayılar    Sayı 3    Portfolyo
Portfolyo Steven Hays

Many of the black and white photographs of Steven Hays portray the harsh beauty of the Southwestern US landscape. The play of shadow, texture and form combine to shape the often surreal mood of the scenes he has photographed during his extensive travels. His photographic work of the Southwest shows his deep passion for the land and its wild, open character.

Hays was first introduced to photography at the age of 16, when his family traveled in Mexico for a year. Needing to continue with his secondary education while they traveled, he enrolled in correspondence courses, one of which was an introductory photography course. The independent study required for the class taught him the basics of self-discipline and perseverance instrumental in advancing his photographic technique through the years.

Primarily self-taught, Hays has been influenced by various Asian arts. The stylized wood block prints of Japan impacted his earlier abstract, close-up nature photographs. The Chinese arts of Tai Chi Chuan (a martial art), natural healing and Chinese cooking have developed his sensitivity, sharpened his focus and enabled him to see the world in unique ways.

Preferring to work in the black and white medium to achieve a strong, emotional impact, Hays processes his own film and prints. This allows him to control the look of the final print and express the mood and character of the scene as he photographed it.

Since the 1970's, Hays has exhibited his limited editions of fine art photographs in juried and group shows, as well as one-man shows, in Colorado where he lives and works as a sales representative for an offset printing company. Hays was interviewed for his Earth Portraits and PeopleScapes show by an NBC-affiliate station in Denver. His photographs have also graced numerous calendars.

"I am excited and amazed by images carved and left behind by the wind, frozen onto rocks or shaped in concert by sun, wind and rain. When I see these images, I am moved to photograph them in the hope that others, too, will revel in the visionary gifts with which our world surrounds us."

Thank you for including my work in your next issue.
Steven Hays

email - hays@commerce.com
web gallery http://www.commerce.com/hays/

Steven Hays in siyah beyaz fotograflari daha cok Amerikanin guneybatisina ait doga manzaralarinin guzelligini anlatir. Golge oyunlari ile olusturdugu form larda surreal bir tarz yakalamistir. cok genis bir alanin dahil oldugu seyahatleri suresince hep fotograf cekmistir Soutwest deki fotograf calismalari onun bilincaltini ve dogal karekterini acik olarak gostermektedir.

Hays ilk olarak 16 yasinda, ailesi ile Mexica ya gittigi yil fotograf ile tanisti. Ailesi ile seyahat ederken onun ortaokul egitimine de devam etmesi gerekiyordu. Boylece Hays egitimi yaninda mektup ile egitim yapan tanitim ve baslangic amacli fotograf kurslarina kaydedildi.Kendini disipline edebilmesi ve daha sonra bagimsiz calismalarina hazirlik labilmesi icin bu gerekli idi.

Hays; bir sure sonra Asya sanatlarinin cesitliliginden cok etkilendi.Japonla rin ahsap blok baski stilleri onun soyut dusuncesinin ortaya cikmasini cabuklastirdi ve bunu close-up fotograflarina da yansitti. Cin sanatlarindan Tai Chi Chuan savas sanati, dogal iyilestirme yontemleri, cin mutfagi onun dunyaya baska bir acidan bakmasini sagladi. Fotograflarini bu duygularin etkisi ile siyah-beyaz ve zor tarzlari tercih ederek cogaltti. Bu duyarliligi fotograflarina yansitti. Cektigi manzara fotog raflarinda bu ozellikleri ortaya koymaktadir.

1970 den bu yana Hays; kisisel ve karma sergiler disinda jurili sergilere de katildi. Su anda Colorado da offset printing sirketinde satis temsilcisi olarak calismaktadir. Hays in Earth Portraits ve peoplescape calismalari ile ilgili NBC affiliate station (denver) da gosterimle ilgili gorusmeler yapmaktadir. Fotograflari takvimlerde yeralmistir.

Lütfen görmek istediğiniz resmin üzerine tıklayınız.

  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays
  • Portfolyo; Steven Hays

Ziyaretçi Sayısı:1000952

Barındırma: AdaNET


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