
Tacettin Teymur

Yayın Kurulu

Tülin Ağca
Özlem Bağcı
Leyla Benli
Müjde Bilgütay
Nejla Demirci
D. Esra Ertürk
Bülent Irkkan
Elif İnan
Nejat Kutup
Fulya Köse
E.Kemal Mert
Murat Selam
Kazım Şahbudak
Aylin Yılmazbayhan

Fotografya Yayın Kurulu
adına İmtiyaz Sahibi
Ş. Uğur Okçu

E-Mail Fotografya

Yayınlanmasını İstediğiniz
Fotoğraf Haberleri İçin

ADANET Fotoğraf Editörü

Ş. Uğur OKÇU

    Sayılar    Sayı 6    ENGLISH    From the Editor
From the Editor
After a long brake, here we are again with the expected 6th issue of "FOTOGRAFYA".

"FOTOGRAFYA", Turkey's first virtual photography magazine, carries on with the efforts of Mr. Ugur Okçu and a group of new volunteer editors who are eager to contribute photography without any commercial expectations.

Like everything else does nowadays, there has been some changes in "FOTOGRAFYA" too. These changes started with the publishing committee and continued with new additions to magazine's contents. From now it will remain to change to be more good, beautiful and international. We believe that your magazine "FOTOGRAFYA" will improve with your critics and contributions. As the new publishing committee we started with a basic principle: "Persons in an institution can be altered, what important is the continuity of the institution". And thus we would like to thank to the old publishing committee for their efforts and contributions up until today for publishing the first five issue.

Staring with the 6th issue we are using the address to view our magazine easily. (We will continue to use the Adanet's server)

In the "While exploring America" section; Gül Ezen will always be with you.

In the "itinerant photographers" section you can read articles related to photograph history from our talented researcher and photography historian ESFIAP member Engin Özendes.

"From the distance" section is donre by Aylin Yilmazbayhan who contributes from The States. In her article you can read Art critic Veronica Volkow's ideas about Photography.

Articles about "Art and Art Education" will be prepared by Serap Etike who is a painter and art educator.

Ali Riza Akalin's article, i believe, deserves your attention. Don't miss it.

In this issue, our friend Fulya Köse interviewed Özer Kamburoglu.

The Chairman of the Türk Exbliris Association Doç.Hasip Pektas's article "Problems about Typography in Internet and suggestions against Visual Pollution" is in a quality of a resource.

Murat Selam presents the Canary Island's from his "Trip Notes".

While reading the Ugur Bilge's story about the old Ankara, you will vitness the effects of merciless urbanization of the city.

The Education Section is divided into two areas as basic and advanced. In basic Education , you will find Tacettin Teymur's article about "What's A Photograph"; in the advanced area you will find the article "Underwater Photography" prepared by Osman Karacan and a translation made by Tülin Agca. The article is about painting by light.

In the "Platforms" section we will introduce photography associations, groups and other formations.
We will start with AFSAD (Ankara Photographers Association) in this issue.

In the "News from the photography world and panel" section you will find news about Sinasi Barutçu Cup and State photography exhibition and announcements about photography competitions.

In the "Flea Market" section you will find pricing information about second hand photography equipment's from inside and outside Turkey.

In the "to get serious" section you will find very serious articles about photography!

"On the Library" section Hafize Kaynarca introduces the black box pocket books and Aramis Kalay's album.

"A country and a photographer" section is an important novelty starting from this issue which you will find a new photographer in every issue. Our first guest is Franke Rodriguez from America.

In the portfolios section you will find three valuable photographers Aramis Kalay, Ilteris Tezer and Ersin Alok's portfolios.

In every issue you will find a different corner prepared by one of our friends.

"New expectations" is one of the new sections in our magazine, which we give great importance due to its function. Here you will find the chance to see the works of talented amateurs. In this issue we'll meet Ayfer Aytaç and Nureddin Özdener.

Starting from this issue Fotografya will be published in English with the idea of "a magazine on the Net should be universal".

We would like to thank to the persons, Associations and institutions that contributed with their efforts and photos for publishing this magazine.

We will be waiting for your comments and contributions for the next issue.

Kind Regards,
Tacettin Teymur Editor
(Translated by Murat Selam)

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Barındırma: AdaNET


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