1- Jo, Spence, Putting Myself In The Picture: A Political, Personal and Photographic Autobiography. Seattle, WA: The Real Comet Pres, 1988, s.153.
2- http://hosted.aware.easynet.co.uk/jospence/jotext2.htm
3- Rosy, Martin, and Jo Spence, “Photo-Thearaphy: psychic realism as a healing art?”, The Photography Reader, Routledge: New York, 2003, s. 408.
4- Judy Weiser, Phototherapy (And Therapeutıc Photography) Around The World: Illustrated Revıew Of Passıons And Practıces, www.phototherapy-Centre.com.
5- Jo Spence and Patricia Holland, eds., “Family Snaps: The Meanings of Domestic Photography” London: Virago, 1991, ss. 13-14.
6- Aynı
7- Günümüzde photo thearaphy üzerinde çalışan bilim insanları vardır. Bunların başında David Krauss (ABD), Joel Walker (Kanada), Mark Wheeler (İngiltere), Ulla Halkola (Türk Adaları), Carmine Parrella (İtalya), Cam Field (İngiltere), Francisco Avilés-Gutiérrez (Meksika), Nirit Lavy Kucik (İsrail), Catherine Ravella (Rusya), Lauri Mannermaa (Finlandiya), Fabio Piccini(İtalya), Janice Havlena (ABD), Sharon Sanborn (ABD) Marina Strauss (İspanya), Maureen Rosenblum (ABD), Jan Sitvast (Hollanda), Ronna Jevne (Kanada) gelmektedir. Detaylı bilgi icin bkz http://www.phototherapy-centre.com


1- Jo, Spence, Putting Myself In The Picture: A Political, Personal and Photographic Autobiography. Seattle, WA: The Real Comet Pres, 1988.
2- Jo Spence and Patricia Holland, eds., “Family Snaps: The Meanings of Domestic Photography” London: Virago, 1991.
3- Judy Weiser, Phototherapy (And Therapeutıc Photography) Around The World: Illustrated Review Of Passıons And Practıces, www.phototherapy-Centre.com
5- Judy Weiser, Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personal and Professional Memoir, www.phototherapy-Centre.com
6- http://hosted.aware.easynet.co.uk/jospence/jotext2.htm
7- Rosy, Martin, and Jo Spence, “Photo-Thearaphy: psychic realism as a healing art?”, The Photography Reader, Routledge: New York, 2003, s. 408.